Welcome to Virtual VBS for GrownUp Girls® 2017 Week Two! This year we’re meeting in a private Facebook group, where it’s easier for us to comment, share posts, videos, and images in real time. You’re welcome to join us anytime by clicking here.
For those who don’t do Facebook or just want the highlights, here’s a recap:
Reading Assignment:
Read the book of 2 Peter straight through once again, in a different translation than you have previously used, and then re-read 2 Peter 1:12-21 several times throughout the week. Every few verses, pause to ask the who, what, when, where, how, and why questions. Underline key words or phrases in your Bible and record in a notebook or journal any thoughts, questions, or insights.
Scripture Memory Verse: 2 Peter 1:4
Wednesday Mini Post:
I got food poisoning while traveling this week (!) and wasn’t able to share my thoughts with our group, but I invited our participants to fill in for me and share theirs…
Here (with permission) are Shirley Craig‘s insights into 2 Peter 1:12-21:
As I began to read verse twelve I was struck by the fact that we ALL need to be reminded even though we “know” the things He has given us. (I see what you did there, Christin, with the promise jar craft.) As old as I am (70) I still need reminding everyday. I am like a great seive! It leaks out constantly.
Verses 13-15 have me considering how I can leave reminders for my own little flock when I am gone. (a big concern of mine) Then I came to verse 19 and burst into tears when I read it. I have been asking the Lord for a sure word of direction for the future of my blog. I haven’t been able to write due to some medical issues resulting from a prescription Rx that nearly took me out, both mentally and physically. (Because my mind wasn’t clear, I was afraid that what I was writing wasn’t really from Him.) It has taken 8 whole months to taper off this poison. Today was the very last mini-dose! And here was the answer I needed about my blog, “Until the Daybreak.”
It’s not like I haven’t read this verse a few times recently, but today? It leapt off the page, and I knew!I will once again be able to trust that the voice I hear will be His “sure word,” and not my own. “…until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts.” Thank you Jesus for Your sure Word.
Joy unspeakable!
Thursday Discussion / Journaling Questions:
1) Why is it so important to remember or remind ourselves of the truths God has revealed to us? (2 Peter 1:12-15) What are some practical ways we can remember them?
2) Why does Peter emphasize the reliability of his testimony and the authority of Scripture? (vs 16-21) Why did it matter to his first readers — and why does it matter to us today?