Today is America’s National Day of Repentance… a day that begins a week of fasting and prayer leading up to the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 7.
Honestly, I’ve never been big on bandwagons. I’m not quick to jump in and join every group, every movement that comes along, just because it has the word “Christian”somehow attached to it. And I don’t have a highly romanticized view of America (or the world itself) — what it supposedly once was or what it “should” be.
The way I see it, the sin nature has always been the scourge of humanity and no one race or creed or ethnicity or nationality can claim the market — either on former righteousness, sufferings endured, or atrocities committed. I don’t say that glibly, but as a student of history and of Scripture.
But I do believe that as Sam said to Frodo, “There’s still some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for…”
That as Christ-followers, until Jesus comes to take us Home, this world is our temporary home — and we’re called to fight for it. To protect it. To do battle in the spiritual realm for the sake of our loved ones, our friends and our families, our brothers and sisters in Christ — those who already are and those who are yet to be.
For the sake of His eternal Kingdom and His eternal glory.
Lately, I’ve found myself growing more and more discouraged by all the horrific things happening in our country and in our culture… and not just here, but all over the world. The days grow dark and hearts grow darker still, and it seems we’re hurtling with increasing speed toward the inevitable…
It’s easy to believe that “resistance is futile”… that nothing can be done. It feels hopeless. We can’t change anything. What’s going to happen is going to happen. We might as well just look for a hilltop to climb and wait there for Jesus to come get us.
Except that’s not what He asked us to do.
He said to watch and pray. He said to make disciples of all nations. He said to do the work of the Kingdom while we can, while we still have time… He said to throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and to run with perseverance the race He marked out for us. He said to live holy and godly lives and speed the day of His return.
He said not to give up. Not to give up hope. Not to fear. He said to take heart. He said He had overcome, and so would we. He promised spiritual revival and renewal and the Gospel preached to the ends of the earth — not just earthquakes, famines, and war — as signs of the times. And He said to keep our eyes on the skies…
“The day may come when the courage of men fails… but that day is not this day. This day we fight!”
Some years I’ve participated in NDP observances and some years I haven’t. This year, I was deeply moved when I heard that the organizers of Australia’s National Day of Prayer have called people from more than 40 nations to express their gratitude to America by participating in an event called Pray USA 2015. They are fasting and praying for us — for revival and reformation and blessing.
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I’ve decided this is a bandwagon — or maybe a prayer tent — I want to join.
I’m going to be fasting a few specific meals or specific days during this time, but I’m also prayerfully fasting some activities. I’m setting my cell phone alerts to go off every hour between 8 am — 8 pm to remind me to stop and pray. I’ll be praying for repentance, renewal, and revival — especially for America, but also for Australia, and the nations of the world.
There’s an old song that goes “let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me”… I think it’s a perfect sentiment for these prayers as well.
Lord, let there be a spirit of humility and repentance, a renewed commitment to faithful obedience, a deep spiritual renewal, a passionate revival — and let it begin with me.
Will you join me?
For more information and resources (including free prayer guides and downloadable graphics for sharing on social media) click on the links below:
National Day of Prayer ~ Videos, banners, countdown widgets, and other resources here.