Hey Sweet Friends, hard to believe it’s our last week of Virtual VBS for GrownUp Girls® 2019! Together we’ve been studying the book of Philippians.* Our theme for Week Four is Press On in Peace.
READ: Philippians Chapter Four. You can read this chapter every day (or every day in a different translation!) or focus on 3-4 verses at a time.
NOTE: As you read, keep these questions in mind: What brings us peace in our daily life? Peace in our relationships with other believers? Peace under pressure or in extraordinary challenges, tests, or trials? Peace with God? In such a troubled world, how can we hold onto peace… and hope… and joy?
REFLECT: Use the following prompts to reflect on this week’s chapter and record your answers in your notebook or journal.
Re-read Philippians 4:6-7, 13. Take a few moments to listen to your heart and mind. Make a list of everything that is weighing on you today… every worry or fear or anxious thought that crosses your mind.
Then go back over the list and circle anything you have any control over – anything in which you can actually take action. Cross out everything else – all the things you can’t control (including other people’s feelings, opinions, choices, or behaviors).
Offer ALL of it up to God and ask Him to carry it for you – to give your shoulders a rest. Ask for – and receive – His peace.
As you continue studying Philippians Chapter Four, ask yourself: What threatens to rob you of your peace and joy? What are some principles here that can help you guard these precious gifts? What are some practical, real-world steps you can take?
MEMORIZE: Philippians 4:6 in the translation of your choice.
*Most of our VBS activity now takes place in a Facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/virtualvbsforgrownupgirls (Because of our privacy settings, sometimes this link doesn’t work unless you go directly to FB and enter it there.) We’d love to have you join us …