Can you believe it’s been nine weeks since we started our Summer in the Son Bible Study — our Virtual VBS for GrownUp Girls? What an adventure it’s been! I’m so grateful for every moment we’ve shared together…
Our last memory verse comes from John 20:21: “As the Father has sent Me, so I am sending you.” What we have received from Him, Jesus wants us to share — that others may know Him (or know Him better) too!
Think about some of the things you’ve received from Jesus this summer… things He has spoken to your heart, things He has revealed to you. How can you share these things and with whom?
* In a note or a phone call or an email?
* In a spontaneous conversation, over coffee, in a Sunday School class or small group?
* In a blog post of your own? On Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest?
* With friends or family members? Neighbors or coworkers? People who cross your path?
Let His love shine in you and through you, and this Summer in the Son will never end!
Our Bible Study may be over, but the blog — What Women Should Know — is just getting started! I hope you’ll stick around. I’ll be posting 2-3 times a week, sharing what God’s put on my heart, same as I have been doing. It’s just that the posts won’t all be from the Gospel of John. :) And this fall, I’ll be joined by some very special guest bloggers — wait til you see who!
We’ll have some contests and give-aways, especially as we get closer to the release of my new book, What Women Should Know About Facing Fear on October 8. And as always, you’re welcome to share your thoughts, ideas, questions, and prayer requests.
In fact, while you’re thinking about it, if you could give me some feedback now I’d really appreciate it. I’ll make it worth your while…
Could you share your thoughts on Summer in the Son? Any input that you have. Here are some of the kinds of things I’d love to hear:
Do you think we should we do it again next year?
If we do, is 9 weeks too long or too short or just right?
What about the format? Any input there?
Would you rather see the study held on Facebook in a private group you join?
Or should we keep it here on the blog?
Are there any specific topics or books of the Bible you’d like to suggest we study?
Anything else?
Here’s how to post a commment:
When you click to comment below, you’ll be invited to sign in with one of several social media apps you might already have. But you can skip that and sign in as a guest. Just enter your name or initials or even a pseudonym if you want to be mysterious –I mean “anonymous” — it’s up to you! We need your email address to prove you aren’t a spambot, but it won’t show up with your comment and it doesn’t automatically add you to any list.
Then share whatever you like in the box provided. A lot or a little, whatever is on your heart and mind.
If you’d prefer to keep your comments completely private, go up to the top of this page and click “Contact” and use the form to email me personally.
As a thank you, I’ll enter the names of everyone who comments — publicly or privately — in a free drawing for one of my books! I’ll let you choose which one you’d like. We’ll do the drawing on Wednesday, August 14th. So you have through Tuesday midnight to post.
I really appreciate your input!
It’s been a blessing to spend this summer with you. And the best is yet to come….
**** UPDATE****
Thank you to everyone who posted a comment or emailed! Looks like we’ll be doing this again next year — hooray!!! And congratulations to Vickie — your name was the one I drew out of the hat! I’ll be in touch about getting your free book to you!